About Simon
I've been a Personal Trainer for over 30 years in the days when leg warmers were all the rage. I might have had a pair myself I can't remember. I love my job. I get to train some really wonderful people and I look forward to giving them a great session each and every time they come to train. They often walking in exhausted after a hard day at work or a night of restless sleep, but they always walk out full of energy, ready to take on the rest of the day. Experience tells you a lot. When you have a workout planned for a client and they walk in clearly not up for a hard session, I alter it.
My goal is to help transform your lives of my clients by changing their every day habits and behaviours. It's not all about exercise either. We'll talk about your family life, your quality of sleep, your stress levels during the day and most importantly - your diet.
So a little about me. It wouldn't be an understatement if I was to say I was just a little obsessed with cycling. If it's sunny, and I've got two spare hours, I'm off into the beautiful Shropshire Hills. I'm also a bit of a movie nut. It wouldn't be strange to see me on my own at the cinema on a Sunday evening (minus the coke and popcorn of course)
But most importantly I live by example. I prioritise the basics of good health. I train hard and play hard and I try to instil this in my clients.